Sunday, June 1, 2008

Caleb's Haircut

Caleb got a haircut but in the end he got an airsoft gun!!! =)


Gillian said...

Bribery works wonders! The ends justifies the means! He looks great.

Anonymous said...

Woo WOO! You look GREAT Caleb! The new look will be nice for summer. I'm chopping mine off too TOMORROW! :-)

Rachel said...

I had no idea you had a blog. Now Heidi just needs to get one. I hope you guys had a fun trip home last week. Ben and I miss being around everyone, and so does Katelyn. Hope yo see u guys soon!

DEA Retired said...

I see the last comment was posted almost 4 wks ago. I just discovered the today that you're a blogger. Looking forward to more family Info. Caleb, you look great. Don't forget to wear your retainer. You'll be sorry if you don't. Congrats Jacob and Caleb on the 50 miler.