Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This summer Emma was invited to attend an Art Club. A friend of ours works at the Kimbell Art Museum and has unbelieveable amounts of patience with children and "messy things" like paint :). Each week she would highlight an artist like Andy Warhol, Jason Pollock, Picasso etc. and then let the kids create in that artists style. Emma ate it up and loved expressing herself!

Emma Jane Gallery Night

Presenting...Kevin and Kaitlin Whitaker

Here Comes the Bride

August 8, 2008
Making a quick trip to Utah for Kaitlin Frandsen's wedding. Glenn's youngest sister surprised us all with...I have a boyfriend...a fiance...and by the way we are getting married in 4 weeks...Happy 4th of July! Needless to say we loaded up the suburban, grabbed Glenn's brother Brett and headed to Utah for the nuptuals. She married Kevin Whitaker and they are now living in Reno, NV. Everything was very pretty and it was good to see the family!

Special Sunday for Jacob

August 17, 2008

Jake is ordained a deacon...passed the sacrament for the first time Sunday August 24th

You can see he still is ... "Jake" WE LOVE HIM!

Backyard Shooting Range

Caleb and Jacob got BB Guns for their birthdays!....Dad set up a shooting range in the back yard...Kept them entertained for a considerably long time!

Happy Birthday Jacob

August 14, 2008

Jacob has had a very busy summer...mowing lawns, playing with friends, playing at the pool and picking up a part time babysitting gig for 2 little boys up the street (Porter 5, Wyatt 3). Now finally to finish up his summer he is turning 12. 7th Grade is going to be a big one he's all "grown up" now and ready to face all that is coming. Jake's birthday dinner consisted of BBQ ribs, and a Lemon Merague Pie for a birthday cake.

Caleb Becomes A "Teenager"

August 12, 2008.....Caleb Turns 13....wahoooo! This summer not only has he grown in height and shoe size (11 eeeeek) He now holds the title of teenager. Dad figured he had the maturity to handle his first BB Gun...Mom just cringes in the background and takes as a right of passage. Grandma and Grandpa Ashton found the perfect t-shirt in Alaska...caption is, "I am Smiling!" Aunt Gillian stopped by for dinner (fried chicken and the works) and birthday cake (chocolate chip blonde brownies). Grandma and Grandpa Frandsen encourage the spiritual side with a brand new set of scriptures. Leatherbound Quad! Wow! Thanks to ALL!

First Day of School

Well, summer is over and school begins. For the most part I think all 4 kids were ready to go. Maybe a few butterflies but I'm sure Caleb and Jake will survive! Just a quick update...Caleb is now in 8th grade (high school next year eeeeeeek!) Jake is in 7th grade and starting football this year...Emma is in 4th grade and Ethan in 2nd. So far we all have a positive outlook on school (but I don't think Caleb and Jake are even off the bus yet :) )